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internet & fixe mon téléphone par internet et fixe

Block certain numbers

1 577  

Block certain numbers


since I live in france, I receive an annoying number of telephone calls for "pub" only. Every day, three or four of those people are calling. It is seriously killing the telephone service.


I would like to know how I can block those numbers. They shall not be able to call me again.

I already blocked anonymous calls and I am on the robinson list.


Is there any option where I can see the list of numbers who were calling me and then have a checkbox "Block this caller"?

I know in the FritzBox it is possible and easy. 


I do pay 5 Euro per month for the livebox, how can I achieve this?


A****** W******

[EDIT : attention [@Anderas] ne pas publier d'information personnelle en public sur le forum]

1 560  

Re: Block certain numbers

bonjour @Anderas 


orange propose stop secret ou tu peux bloquer 20 numéros



"L'obstination est le chemin de la réussite." Charlie Chaplin

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