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VPN de site à site

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VPN de site à site


Dans le paramétrage VPN de site à site d'une LB-Pro-V3, les options permettent de préconfigurer un VPN avec:

Livebox Pro V2

Livebox Pro V3

Business Livebox




Quelle option choisir pour une LiveBox_Play ?

Est ce que quelqu'un peut attester de l'efficience d'un VPN mixte PRO/PLAY ?




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Re : VPN de site à site

Hi when you switch to expert mode, you can see that changing the preconfigured box choices, just changes the parameters for phase 1 and phase 2.

While connecting to a Zyxel Zywall, I noticed that all of the settings in reality do something different than what the parameters suggest, except for when you set it to Livebox Pro V2. For example V3 sets AES128/SHA1, but these are not the parameters that are really used (I get No Proposal Chosen when configuring the Zywall to use AES128/SHA1).


My suggestion is to set both you LiveBox Pro V3 and the LiveBox Play to the vpn mode Livebox Pro V2. If you don't have that choice on the Play, mannually configure it in expert mode to use 3DES/MD5.

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