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mobile Orange utiliser mon mobile

Cancel mobile part of subscription | Annuler la partie mobile de l'abonnement

1 125  

Cancel mobile part of subscription | Annuler la partie mobile de l'abonnement



I have a contract that includes a fixed line, internet and a mobile number. I would like to cancel the mobile part of my subscription and only keep the internet part. I cannot do this online in my account, and I can't find an English speaking phone support number.



J'ai un contrat qui comprend une ligne fixe, Internet et un numéro de mobile. Je souhaite annuler la partie mobile de mon abonnement et ne conserver que la partie internet. Je ne peux pas faire cela en ligne dans mon compte et je ne trouve pas de numéro d'assistance téléphonique anglophone.

Solutions approuvées
1 078  

Re : Cancel mobile part of subscription | Annuler la partie mobile de l'abonnement

Hi @Stijn 

You can join us at +33969363900 to have english speaking Orange customer service.

I remain at your disposal.

Have a good day.


Conseiller Spécialiste Commercial
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1 102  

Re: Cancel mobile part of subscription | Annuler la partie mobile de l'abonnement

Salut @Stijn 


Faut dissocier la partie mobile si ceci est possible avec ton offre,je déplace

le fil dans la partie mobile tu as plus de chance d'être pris en charge par un

conseiller de passage que je salue .



1 079  

Re : Cancel mobile part of subscription | Annuler la partie mobile de l'abonnement

Hi @Stijn 

You can join us at +33969363900 to have english speaking Orange customer service.

I remain at your disposal.

Have a good day.


Conseiller Spécialiste Commercial
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1 062  

Re: Re : Cancel mobile part of subscription | Annuler la partie mobile de l'abonnement



I have tried that number (from my own Dutch mobile phone), but only got French speaking menu. After entering my French cell phone number, it continued in French. Can you be more precise in what menu option to select?


Regards, Stijn

1 048  

Re: Re : Cancel mobile part of subscription | Annuler la partie mobile de l'abonnement


I invite you to try again, in fact, if no English speaking advisor is available, it will switch you to French service.

By insisting you will end up having an English speaking advisor.

I remain at your disposal.

Have a good day.


Conseiller Spécialiste Commercial
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1 033  

Re: Re : Cancel mobile part of subscription | Annuler la partie mobile de l'abonnement

Hi, thanks for you answer. The start of the recording says something about dialing 444 for international support/numbers, but I can't precisely make out what they mean. Is it dialing 444 from you Orange cellphone, which is not something I can do, not having the orange SIM available?

1 029  

Re: Re : Cancel mobile part of subscription | Annuler la partie mobile de l'abonnement

Hi, sorry, I had the wrong number, they really look alike. Now I'm getting the English helpdesk, thanks a lot!


Re: Re : Cancel mobile part of subscription | Annuler la partie mobile de l'abonnement

Don't bother calling that number. I just did as I have the same problem as you. Moving abroad so need to cancel my contract (TV, home wifi and mobile). I sent my new work contract in the UK with an invoice from my moving company as proof and they have refused it. I called that number for assistance as I have been days from chatbot to chatbot (using google translate) and store to store. I literally just called that number twice and twice the person answering the call (two different people each time) have put the phone down on me.

Orange customer service is just so bad. So sad to leave this country and this company with such a bad taste in my mouth. No wonder their rates on Trust Pilot are so low.

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