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internet & fixe Livebox

Radio internet : Connexion à la station impossible

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Re: Radio internet : Connexion à la station impossible

Tout à fait d'accord avec CyberD : Radio Garden est un truc tout simplement génial, sur ordi, tablette ou smartphone. Voyages instantanés ( et gratuits ) au bout du monde, tout en révisant sa géographie ... Parmi les favoris de ma barre perso, c'est un des plus utilisés.


contributeur occasionnel

Re: Radio internet : Connexion à la station impossible

idem, Radio Garden est depuis longtemps sur mon smartphone et dans les signets de mon navigateur.


Re: Radio internet : Connexion à la station impossible

Orange Polska ne répond pas à mes questions concernant la panne,
Frontier, cependant, a répondu à ma question:
Mon, Feb 5 at 9:47 PM
Since it was only for the Orange network, I would think it was an Orange problem.
There were no other issues, or fixes on our side.
Best regards,

---- on Mon, 05 Feb 2024 15:34:11 -0500 Tom wrote ----
Yestereday, 4.02.2024, something strange happened - from about 12 am to 10 pm internet radios using Frontier was not able to connect to your database! What was more than strange that this concerned only for radio using internet provided by Orange! This was noted for sure in France and Poland. Any idea what was the cause of this "global" problem?
contributeur occasionnel

Re: Radio internet : Connexion à la station impossible

Dziękuję @TomPL !!!

Indeed, thank you so much for having taken the time to do so and morever, to inform us on the blog.
Very much appreciated.
We do know now for sure, if it ever happens again, not to reset any radio, reboot our livebox or even loose some of our precious time but just wait for Orange to stop fiddling with some pretty dodgy updates of theirs.
Best regards,

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