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How to make a complaint to Orange?

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15 818  

How to make a complaint to Orange?

Sorry that I am writing in English as my French is not yet good enough..


I had a horrible experience at an Orange store today. I went to buy a prepaid SIM card for the new iPhone 6, and the lady at the store was very rude and ignorant. And she handled the device so badly, it left a few scratches to the sim card slot. I tried to make a gentle complaint about this to another staff, but the lady was yelling and screaming at us(and I couldn't understand what she was saying).


So , I want to make a formal complaint to Orange about this incident, but couldn't find the proper page to do so.


Any help would be much appreciated.


Merci beaucoup.

Ancien Membre
15 790  

Re : How to make a complaint to Orange?

Hi there,


The word in French is "réclamation"


Try this link :

10 311  

Re: How to make a complaint to Orange?



Talked down to me. Interupted me.

Failed to listen to my question, then insisted on talking his whole sentence about the wrong answer.

Spoke in abbreviations about calls to mobiles, without clarifying if from a landline or another mobile.

Kept referring  to "French mobiles" - without explaining if to a French operated mobile or a mobile within France (big difference).

Made personal remarks about me, when I apologised for failing to understand the website.

Told me that my job was to listen.

He should go and get a job on a stage in a theatre!!! 

I have dealt with customer services all my career, and never worked with one like this!!!   He would be my nightmare customer!!!!   He sounded drunk!

ancien webconseiller
ancien webconseiller
10 309  

Re: How to make a complaint to Orange?

Hello, for a good understanding of your demand(request), I invite you has to contact our English platform to 0800 364 775 from 09:00 am till 5:00 pm cordially

9 385  

Re: How to make a complaint to Orange?



I tried contacting the English platform on 0800 364 775 but this number is not recognised.... has the number changed?


9 369  

Re: How to make a complaint to Orange?



étant nouvelle sur le forum, je vous prie de m'excuser si je ne me trouve pas dans la bonne section.


J'ai souscrit un abonnement Orange avec portabilité de mon numéro que je possède depuis presque 20 ans.


La souscription a eu lieu le 3 octobre 2018 et à ce jour, je n'ai ni ligne téléphonique ni information de l'opérateur.


Vous conviendrez que les services Orange sont plus que léger.


Aussi, je prends la décision de déposer plainte auprés du commissariat de police afin d'engager une procédure judiciaire.


Ce choix m'est imposé car je n'ai aucun antécédent ni aucun conflit avec les opérateurs précédents: Virgin Mobile puis SFR.


Je regrette amèrement d'avoir choisi Orange.


Si un administrateur, ou un conseiller quelconque pouvait me répondre, ce sera déjà un petit pas.







9 235  

Re: How to make a complaint to Orange?

I had a near identical issue today, a very rude woman interrupted me and said my mobile number wasnt linked (it is i have 4 accounts), and then told me that i cannot pay with a new N26 account because its german (EU law states that you can pay cross border now, and in fact Orange and D Telekom have shared ownership of many assets and investments), and then hung up - when you consider i had been trying since monday to actually get someone to answer the phone, and its wednesday pm now, its a joke, i am thoroughky disgusted by both the rude attitude, and the lack of training, i was left furious after the call. Disgusting, Lazy, Ill informed, and Rude. Typical I am afraid.

9 233  

Re: How to make a complaint to Orange?

its 09 69 36 39 00 where they do speak in English, but after waiting for them, they will usually be no help at all, and quite rude.

Ancien Membre
9 102  

Re: How to make a complaint to Orange?

Ho ho ho
9 070  

Re: How to make a complaint to Orange?

blueflowers, are you suffering from some kind of mental problem? or are you in fact another rude orange employee, either way i hope you have a dismal Christmas.

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