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mobile Orange utiliser mon mobile

I have credit but I can only make emergency calls and unable to receive incoming calls

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I have credit but I can only make emergency calls and unable to receive incoming calls

I have been an Orange pay as you go mobile phone customer for over twenty years and did not have any problems until they appointed EE to manage their UK subsidiary.  I have about £10 credit but I can only make emergency calls.  I am also unable to receive incoming calls on my mobile phone.  I live in England and can only speak English so communication is difficult.



Orange Star
Orange Star

Re: Suite passage fibre, je paie encore mon ancien contrat...

Not Hello either..!!!!!!!!!! @Gen8 


Effect of brexit. ??.🤣🤣🤣

Try calling this number.

+ 33 9 69 39 39 00

You should have a call-in person Orange who speaks the language of Shakespeare.


«Une erreur peut devenir exacte selon que celui qui l'a commise s'est trompé ou non» Pierre Dac
contributeur confirmé
contributeur confirmé

Re: Suite passage fibre, je paie encore mon ancien contrat...

International calls may cost money.  Why did Orange think EE was capable of running its UK subsidiary?  I have tried speaking to EE but they are unresponsive.  Why can customers not just stay with Orange?



Orange Star
Orange Star

Re: Suite passage fibre, je paie encore mon ancien contrat...

Not Hello either..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @Gen8 


Since May 2017, roaming EU zone. These are no longer "international" calls between countries in the EU zone. But since you have decided to leave the EU, you cannot have our cake and eat it too. !!!


For other questions calls the number indicated in the previous post. Only orange can answer.
You are here in a customer support forum.


«Une erreur peut devenir exacte selon que celui qui l'a commise s'est trompé ou non» Pierre Dac

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