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How to make a complaint to Orange?

Ancien Membre
1 423  

Re: How to make a complaint to Orange?

Hello Colinf don't hurt me please i'm just a poor lonesome santa claus lost on the moutain
1 406  

Re: How to make a complaint to Orange?

Hello @ColinF

We are sorry for this bad experience.
Can you tell me more about your request?
I invite you to communicate to me by DM your coordinates (name, first name, fixed line number, full postal address and mobile number).


Conseiller Spécialiste Livebox et services associés
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1 405  

Re: How to make a complaint to Orange?

Bonjour @tonton26 

Depuis votre message, avez-vous pu trouver une solution ?

Je vous prie de nous excuser pour le délai de réponse.

Je reste à votre disposition si besoin. 

Bonne journée à vous. 


Conseiller Spécialiste Livebox et services associés
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1 325  

Re: How to make a complaint to Orange?

Hello All,  



here is a VERY short summary of my issue...



I have had an ongoing issue with Orange France since  Sept 2018,  (Now Mar 2019) after closing my 10 year account  with them and correctly to their instruction, returning my equipment (TV & WiFi router) they owed me 49€ that I left as deposit 8 years ago.


I have called the english helpline (+33 9 69 36 39 00) twice per month  since last September (so about 12 times), who have been quite useless, every time I get a different person who gives a different excuse, and sometimes even blaming me!!



I have several case numbers  but each new person does not want to know,  the are very rude and often tell you be quiet while they talk, not giving you a chance to explain even when you remain quite while they talk. I have had three councilors put the phone down on me, even today I tried to explain that the process the counselor was going to follow that he explained to me was the same process as last month that also failed to refund my money, even though I gave the person a case number for the same process last month, that includes sending me a letter to sign & return which I already did, I explained I have a copy, but he refused to listen saying we would have to go through the same process again...!!! 



If anyone from orange is listening My old line = 0468542122, and SOME of my case numbers are









Very disillusioned with Orange customer service makes Talktalk UK look good and they are really bad, but I am not giving up, it is not the money anymore it's the principle and I will continue until I get the money back no matter how long it takes..!


1 238  

Re: How to make a complaint to Orange?

I had a very similar experience with Orange English speaking customer frustration service today. I called them because of  direct debit process issues resulting to my number   being blocked  until visiting  a physical store to have my problem solved .


The agent was very rude, not listening, interrupting all the time , insisting that I only had to listen to him, wanting to do  the exact same process that I called to report   it did  not work and eventally saying "That's it, if you want" ... a  pure nightmare. Obviously a good reason to leave Orange when the contract expires.

Does anyone know where is best to complaint ? I have to stay with Orange a few more months until my contract expires, so I have to find a way to pay my bills without going to a store

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