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- missing emails Dec 2020 and Jan 2021
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missing emails Dec 2020 and Jan 2021
Hello, Recently I have received important emails via orange.fr to which I saved and suddenly they have disappeared from my list of received emails. How can I retrieve them?
Thank you for your assistance over this matter.
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Re: missing emails Dec 2020 and Jan 2021
@goffie a écrit :
... via orange.fr to which I saved ...
Storing mail on a an internet reachable site isn't saving it, it's just high risk.
If mail disapeared from there I fear it's gone.
As it is only a partial lost, you may hope it's just a technical problem.
When it is fixed, you may have the luck, they restart the failing server and restore it's fileSystems.
If it resulted from a hack it's hopeless.
If you want real backup, use a POP acount in a mailer like Outlook or Thunderberd and make regular bacups from .psts files or .profile dir.
Keep your bakups off line.
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