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- Using my French mobile in the USA
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Using my French mobile in the USA
Can I use my french mobile phone with Orange as my provider in the USA or do I need a SIM card? I will only need it for emergencies or using whatsapp for 7 days.
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Re: Using my French mobile in the USA
Hi pal
I don't kow your phone, he must be compatible with frequencies used over there.
You "can" technically use it overseas everywhere on earth, or almost everywhere.
It's only a matter or price.
If you want a national use, i would suggest you buying a local prepaid SIM.
For international calls compare the prices between US and Orange.
If the price isn't an issue, yas technically, you can.
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Re: Using my French mobile in the USA
thanks for your prompt reply. It's an iPhone 8. I want to be able to make calls within the USA and use whatsapp for 7 days. What plan do you recommend. I hear PASS USA is pribably what I need. I think it costs 12 euros for the duration. Can you please confirm/advise? Thanks
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Re: Using my French mobile in the USA
@LLVF a écrit :
Can you please confirm/advise? Thanks
Neither nor ! I'm only a customer any advice from me wouldn't have any weight.
I found a doc you would appreciate
You have all prices.
US pass :
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Re: Using my French mobile in the USA
How can I use my French cell phone, with Orange Lebara server in USA?