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internet & fixe protéger mes données et mon accès internet

Messages being sent


Messages being sent

Someone has sent 100's of messages that appear to come from my e-mail to people
Has there been a problem with security are Orange?

What do I have to do to stop this?  I have changed my password


Re: Messages being sent

Bonjour TheGrocer1 


Un pirate s'est juste fait passer pour toi.

Il a suffit qu'il trouve ton dresse dans une fiche contact d'un de tes amis qui aura "oublié" de changer son mot de passe, ou dans un site marchand mal protégé.


C'est bien d'avoir changé ton mot de passe, mais ça n'arrêtera pas ton pirate.

Tu devrais prévenir tes contacts que quelqu'un tente de se faire passer pour toi.


Some **bip** just tried to appear as being you.He probably found your email addr in a contact record in a compromised account, or in some bad protected website.

Changing your pswd is good, but your usurpator does not need it to go on with its f..g job.

It could be good to warn your contacts, someone could try usurpating your identity, they should be carefull upon receving stange mail apparently "from you".










Faites confiance aux produits libres : Firefox, Thunderbird, LibreOffice, Irfanview, VLC, 7-zip, FileZilla
Votre machine vous en remerciera

Re: Messages being sent

Hi @TheGrocer1 ,


There has been no problem with security at Orange but there is a problem with security with you and the way you manage your mail account.

Since when did'nt you change your password and how many caracters did it have ?


Your password has been broken by brute force or found somewhere else if you use the same password than your Email password for social networks or shopping sites.


Since the pirate has entered your mail account, he can do anything you could do yourself with that account. In this particular case, he is using your account to do massive spamming in your name.


After having changed again your password for a very strong one, check every parameter in your account settings, and specificaly, your contacts (added or deleted) and your account recovery paramaters.


Your contacts have probably be stollen and will become soon the next target of the pirate, thanks to you !

Un problème bien décrit est déjà à moitié résolu

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