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Une merveille

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Une merveille

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Re: Une merveille

@vasco8 @fredolerouge 


How do I say this without sounding utterly batty... you know THOSE songs !? Those feel it in your gut, lump in your throat, tears of uncertain loss, happiness, and nostalgia all wrapped into one song? Those songs that can transport you to a feeling you haven’t felt in years? Those songs are precious, because you only come across so many in your lifetime. I have a few... but the wind will carry us was it for me. I haven’t felt that way about a song in years. As a newcomer in your community and a new fan, I thank you for bringing that feeling back to me.


Greetings from ❤️ N.J

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Re: Une merveille

salut @vasco8 




appeler "merveille" une chanson écrite par un mec dont la femme est morte sous ses coups, et qui se prend pour un artiste et un poète, vraiment ?


enfin, moi je dit ça....


ce mec ne mérite pas qu'on fasse sa pub, qu'on parle de lui, quand bien même ce soit une reprise


et d'ailleurs, comment peux faire une reprise d'un mec comme ça ?


il ne mérite que le mépris



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Re: Une merveille

@vasco8 @fredolerouge 


How do I say this without sounding utterly batty... you know THOSE songs !? Those feel it in your gut, lump in your throat, tears of uncertain loss, happiness, and nostalgia all wrapped into one song? Those songs that can transport you to a feeling you haven’t felt in years? Those songs are precious, because you only come across so many in your lifetime. I have a few... but the wind will carry us was it for me. I haven’t felt that way about a song in years. As a newcomer in your community and a new fan, I thank you for bringing that feeling back to me.


Greetings from ❤️ N.J

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