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- New Livebox play does not work
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New Livebox play does not work
My Livebox stopped working a week ago.
I contacted Orange by phone and they said it was a fault in the area - however my phone and tv still worked.
They said they would send an engineer on saturday. I tested the box online (using my phone as a hotspot) - no internet. Says it's a sync problem but nothing has changed with the connections.
Waited all day saturday - no engineer.
Went to the orange shop on Monday - they said the box was fine and that my internet was working on their system. All ticks.
Brought home a new Livebox Play - plugged it in.Same message - sync issue. Tested the internet online using my phone to hotspot, no internet.
I think this is simply a ruse to get me to move to fibre. Apparently fibre is cheaper as I'm paying for a phone line I don't use.
I said yes please I'll have fibre - but I would have to wait 2 weeks for an engineer. I need internet for my work.
Now when I go to my customer space, it says I have fibre already although I didn't sign up for it.
tried phoning 3901 and 3900 - nothing.
Impossible to deal with this. Have wasted days. Will try another supplier after 15 years with Orange I can take no more.
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Re : New Livebox play does not work
Hello @chezzy
I can provide you some help. Can you please, send me by private message your personnal informations (Name, Surname, landline phone numbler or customer number, full postal adress and a french mobile number)
Conseiller Spécialiste Livebox et services associés
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