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Hello. Can anyone help me. I applied Orange Fiber since 25th Oct. after 5 difference visited. Today 3rd Dec last visited. The technician ask me money. I asked how much. He said he doesn’t know. He will let me know until sent me the bills. So I refused. Then he left. In the end. Still no Internet.
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🇫🇷 Bonjour @Leon_MX
Je reviens vers vous dans le cadre du suivi de votre commande et constate que votre installation a bien été réalisée ce matin. Vous me confirmez que tout fonctionne bien ?
Dans l'attente de votre retour, je vous souhaite une bonne après-midi.
🇬🇧 Good morning I will come back to you to follow up on your order and note that your installation was successfully completed this morning. Can you confirm that everything is working fine? Looking forward to your return, I wish you a good afternoon.
Conseillère Spécialiste Commercial
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Re: Installation
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Re: Installation
Have been more than 1 month. And we still don’t have internet. And Orange called they are the best service in France. I am speechless.
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Re: Installation
Hello @Leon_MX
Tu es ici dans un forum francophone.
Ce n'est pas une annexe du Brexit.!!
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Re: Installation
🇫🇷 Bonjour @Leon_MX,
Je suis navrée de votre parcours qui ne reflète pas notre ambition et vous propose de voir cela ensemble.
Afin de vous apporter mon aide , je vous invite à me communiquer vos coordonnées (nom, prénom, numéro de ligne fixe, adresse postale complète, numéro de mobile), par message privé, en cliquant sur le bouton suivant
🇬🇧 Hello @Leon_MX
I am sorry for your journey that does not reflect our ambition and offers to see this together.
To help you, I invite you to send me your contact information (first name, last name, landline number, full postal address, mobile number), by private message, by clicking on the following button:
Conseillère Spécialiste Livebox et services associés
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Re : Installation - Leon_MX
🇫🇷 Bonjour,
Je vous remercie pour les informations fournies en privé.
Je constate que le raccordement n'a pas pu se faire car un câble serait coupé à l'intérieur de votre logement. Il est nécessaire que vous fassiez les interventions de votre côté afin que nous puissions intervenir.
Une fois le nécessaire fait, nous pourrons programmer un nouveau RDV de raccordement.
Est-ce clair pour vous ?
🇬🇧 Hello,
Thank you for the information provided in private.
I note that the connection could not be made because a cable would be cut inside your home. It is necessary that you make interventions on your side so that we can intervene.
Once the necessary is done, we can schedule a new connection appointment.
Is that clear to you?
Conseiller Spécialiste Commercial
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Re: Re : Installation - Leon_MX
Hello, Yes i know.
we have persimmon from Landlord 、Syndic and the building admistrian. and i told the technical. he asked money for installation. i asked him how much cost. he refused to answer. said he will sent the bill later. this is why i said NO to him. so he left without installation.
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Re: Re : Installation - Leon_MX
Lets make more clear.
the red point is existing hole for internet cable( only coved by paint)
when is the installation day. i moved all furniture. there is nothing between the fibre dock (located behind the tv) to the door.
25th of November. 4th visited one team( 2 technicians came) they made a video to explain which 2 options to setup the new cable.
i only need permission from the Landlord and Syndic for wise the cable inside the apartment and outside the apartment.
2 meetings with Landlord and Syndic. i got all the permissions which the technician asked.
3rd of December. 5th visited 1 technician arrived.(different technician) i showed the video which recorded by his colleague. and i said i have all the permissions. meantime someone called. ( from the third party) ask authorisation and will be extra cost. i said how much. answered. we don't know. we will sent the bills later. this is why i refused.
here is the Fact
1 i have the permission from Landlord ( which the technician asked) now you can wise the cable anywhere and how you want it 2 i have the permission from Syndic. ( which the technician asked) now you can continual wise the cable to the close fibre dock.
Now you have a wall without furniture. without anything on the wall. and you have all the permissions. so what Interventions you like me to do? or prepare?
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Re: Re : Installation - Leon_MX
Bonjour @Leon_MX,
🇫🇷 Je vous remercie pour ces explications, c'est plus clair, en effet, et je vous confirme donc que vous n'avez pas d'autres démarches à effectuer si vous avez déjà obtenu l'accord du syndic et du propriétaire 😊
Je constate un nouveau rendez-vous le 07/12, en avez-vous connaissance ?
Je viens pour ma part de faire remonter le fait qu'il ne s’agit pas d'un simple branchement, mais que l'intervention nécessite de recâbler l'appartement, mais quoi qu'il en soit, je vous confirme que vous n'avez pas à payer pour cette prestation 👌
Je vais continuer à suivre votre commande et je reviendrai vers vous faire le point suite à votre rendez-vous de samedi, je reste à votre écoute d'ici là et je vous souhaite une agréable journée 👋
🇬🇧 Thank you for these explanations, it is clearer, indeed, and I confirm that you do not have any other steps to take if you have already obtained the agreement of the trustee and the owner 😊
I see a new appointment on 07/12, are you aware of it?
I just reported that it is not a simple connection, but that the intervention requires rewiring the apartment, but anyway, I confirm that you do not have to pay for this service 👌
I will continue to follow your order and I will come back to you to make the point following your appointment on Saturday, I remain at your disposal until then and I wish you a pleasant day 👋
Conseiller Spécialiste Commercial
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Re: Re : Installation - Leon_MX
Thank you Thomas.
yes. I did confirmed the appointment at 8:00-11:00AM 7th of December ( this Saturday).